
Kavanah L'Mitzvos

Support KLM

More kavanah. More connection. More meaning.

With your contribution we’ll make kavanah an attainable goal for everyone. It’s how we’ll awaken more Jews to the power and necessity of kavanah — and give them tools to achieve it.

Your donation will be used to create free resources, provide more shiurim, further the Kavanah Siddur initiative, fund ads to get our message in front of larger audiences, and more.

For the USA

Donate via Ner Lehoreinu

Choose “KLM” in the drop-down list on the payment page.

For the UK

Donate via Achisomoch

Your donation will go to KLM when you click here.

Make a donation

Ner Lehoreinu USA: https://nerlehoreinu.com/thank-you-for-making-a-donation/
Please choose ‘KLM’ in the drop down list on the payment page.
Achisomoch UK: donate.achisomoch.org/6629
Please be reassured your donation will be sent to KLM.

Frequently Asked Questions

Got questions? You must be Jewish 😉

Yes! The KLM Foundation is a registered nonprofit, so you’ll get a tax-deductible receipt with your donation. You can expect your receipt within 1-2 days of your donation. If you have more questions, contact kavanahlmitzvos@gmail.com.

Thank you for your donation! Please contact kavanahlmitzvos@gmail.com and we can discuss the different KLM initiatives that you can support.

Rabbi Asher Baruch Wegbreit is the founder and current Educational Director of the KLM Foundation. You can read more about him here. The chairman of the board is Daniel Lyons.

We’re honored to have you on board! We can use your help to further the kavanah movement. Reach out to kavanahlmitzvos@gmail.com .Thank you!

We’re glad to have your support! Our current donation platforms take USD and GBP only. To contribute in another currency, contact kavanahlmitzvos@gmail.com . Thank you!

Have another question? Contact kavanahlmitzvos@gmail.com. We’re happy to answer your questions!

Make a donation

For the USA

Donate via Ner Lehoreinu

Choose “KLM” in the drop-down list on the payment page.

For the UK

Donate via Achisomoch

Your donation will go to KLM when you click here.

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