With your contribution we’ll make kavanah an attainable goal for everyone. It’s how we’ll awaken more Jews to the power and necessity of kavanah — and give them tools to achieve it.
Your donation will be used to create free resources, provide more shiurim, further the Kavanah Siddur initiative, fund ads to get our message in front of larger audiences, and more.
When you support KLM, you’re powering a nation-focused nonprofit that uses every dollar to bring kavanah resources to Jews around the world.
Here’s what we’ve got on the table:
The Kavanah Siddur Project
It’s time to take your daily davening from weak to WHOA. We’re working on publishing a siddur with a kavanah-enhancing format, kavanah tips, and actionable kavanah resources.
The Weekly KLM Shiur
Every week, Rabbi Wegbreit shares insights, tips, and tools on how to up your level of kavanah in your daily life.
The KLM Toolbox
Need a quick kavanah fix? KLM Resources have all the tools you need to make your mitzvos meaningful again. Reach for a poster, PDF or 1-min video and you’re all set for your next mitzvah.
The KLM Curriculum
We’re bringing knowledge of the importance and power of kavanah to Jewish schools around the world. We’re developing a curriculum that is clear, engaging, and inspires real change.
The KLM Newsletter
Keeping the KLM community updated on the latest tips and tools. Includes kavanah- related articles and spotlights on specific mitzvos.
KLM Workshops
We focus on action — not theory. Nothing like a workshop led by Rabbi Wegbreit to level-up your kavanah.
KLM Events
Get Rabbi Wegbreit to speak at your next event. And turn it into an eye-opening, entertaining, and life-changing event.
The KLM Community
That’s just a glorified name for the most useful Whatsapp group you’ll ever join. Become part of a warm community working towards better kavanah.
The KLM Initiative Campaign
We’re bringing KLM to the world. Working with a-list nonprofit marketers, we’re helping kavanah go viral. Lookout for an ad in your local publications.
The Book of Intentions
We’re planning to publish a comprehensive guide to having kavanah in all situations. Our goal is to bring life and meaning into thousands of homes with the power of kavanah.
Make a donation
For the USA
Donate via Ner Lehoreinu
Choose “KLM” in the drop-down list on the payment page.
Yes! The KLM Foundation is a registered nonprofit, so you’ll get a tax-deductible receipt with your donation. You can expect your receipt within 1-2 days of your donation. If you have more questions, contact kavanahlmitzvos@gmail.com.
Rabbi Asher Baruch Wegbreit is the founder and current Educational Director of the KLM Foundation. You can read more about him here. The chairman of the board is Daniel Lyons.
We’re glad to have your support! Our current donation platforms take USD and GBP only. To contribute in another currency, contact kavanahlmitzvos@gmail.com . Thank you!